Friday, 10/15/2004
Friday 2/6/2004 :
Chet Caruso increases his talent in hitting homers!
Chet Caruso increases his talent in avoiding strikeouts!
Sunday 3/8/2004 :
Jonathan Satterwhite has good batting practice sessions!
Jonathan Satterwhite seems to have lost some power.
Jamar Munoz has good pitching sessions!
Jamar Munoz has lost some throwing velocity.
Eric Ziegler has good batting practice sessions!
Eric Ziegler's talent in hitting homers drops...
Eric Ziegler seems to have lost some power.
Lewis Kohlmeier has good pitching sessions!
Lewis Kohlmeier has lost some throwing velocity.
Chet Caruso has poor batting practice sessions.
Sammy Tasker has lost some throwing velocity.
Danny Campbell has good batting practice sessions!
Danny Campbell displayed poor strike zone judgement!
William Carol has good batting practice sessions!
William Carol seems to have lost some power.
James Nowlin has good pitching sessions!
James Nowlin has lost some throwing velocity.
Joel Roberts has good batting practice sessions!
Max Perez has good pitching sessions!
Max Perez has lost some throwing velocity.
Ronaldo Juarez has good batting practice sessions!
Ronaldo Juarez showed good strike zone judgement!
Fred Jaquez has good pitching sessions!
Fred Jaquez has lost some throwing velocity.
Michael Helmuth improves his defense at Shortstop.
Michael Helmuth has poor batting practice sessions.
Michael Helmuth displays more power in batting practice!
Michael Helmuth displayed poor strike zone judgement!
Jose Martinez has good pitching sessions!
Jose Martinez has increased his throwing velocity!
Jose Martinez has lost some control.
Samuel Orosco has poor pitching sessions.
Samuel Orosco has increased his throwing velocity!
Fermin Diaz has good pitching sessions!
Fermin Diaz has lost some throwing velocity.
Richard Parker has good batting practice sessions!
Richard Parker seems to have lost some power.
Juan Dawkins seems to have lost some power.
Javier Arciniega has good pitching sessions!
Javier Arciniega has lost some throwing velocity.
Daniel Knopf improves his defense at Rightfield.
Daniel Knopf displayed poor strike zone judgement!
Lynn Anderson has good pitching sessions!
Noel Werner has good batting practice sessions!
Noel Werner displayed poor strike zone judgement!
Jason Melvin improves his defense at Shortstop.
Dale Jones improves his defense at Third Base.
Dale Jones displayed poor strike zone judgement!
Eduardo Zepeda has good pitching sessions!
Christopher Silverberg has good batting practice sessions!
Christopher Silverberg displays more power in batting practice!
Andre Arispe has good batting practice sessions!
Andre Arispe displayed poor strike zone judgement!
James Tartaglia improves his defense at Second Base.
James Tartaglia displayed poor strike zone judgement!
Curt Rolon improves his defense at Second Base.
Tory Rivera showed good strike zone judgement!
Raul Cortez has good pitching sessions!
Raul Cortez has lost some throwing velocity.
Darrell Kelly has good pitching sessions!
Darrell Kelly has increased his throwing velocity!
Darrell Kelly has lost some control.
Samuel Gose displays more power in batting practice!
Carlos Puentes has good pitching sessions!
Carlos Puentes has lost some throwing velocity.
Richard Moore has good batting practice sessions!
Richard Moore displays more power in batting practice!
Richard Moore showed good strike zone judgement!
Jeremy Byrns has good batting practice sessions!
Cedric Ortiz has good pitching sessions!
Joel Gutierrez has good pitching sessions!
John Beckham has good batting practice sessions!
John Beckham displays more power in batting practice!
John Beckham displayed poor strike zone judgement!
James Antle has good batting practice sessions!
James Antle displayed poor strike zone judgement!
Francis Ingham's talent in taking walks drops...
Francis Ingham displayed poor strike zone judgement!
Mark Mulder has good pitching sessions!
Edward Tibbitts has good batting practice sessions!
Edward Tibbitts showed good strike zone judgement!
Monday 4/12/2004 :
Harland Lewis's talent in hitting homers drops...
Monday 4/26/2004 :
Samuel Orosco's talent in avoiding hits drops...
John Beckham's talent in taking walks drops...
Monday 5/3/2004 :
Dale Jones increases his talent in hitting triples!
Raul Cortez's talent in avoiding hits drops...
Raul Cortez's talent in avoiding homers drops...
Monday 5/10/2004 :
Chet Caruso's talent in hitting homers drops...
Samuel Orosco has lost some momentum, his range at P drops to C ...
Juan Dawkins has lost a step. His speed drops to C ...
Juan Dawkins has lost some momentum, his range at CF drops to C ...
Juan Dawkins has lost some momentum, his range at CF drops to D ...
Tory Rivera's talent in taking walks drops...
Monday 5/17/2004 :
Fred Jaquez's talent in avoiding homers drops...
Monday 5/24/2004 :
Juan Dawkins's talent in hitting for average drops...
Monday 5/31/2004 :
Sammy Tasker's talent in avoiding homers drops...
Christopher Silverberg's talent in hitting homers drops...
Jose Torres's talent in hitting homers drops...
Monday 6/7/2004 :
Joel Gutierrez has lost some lower body strength, his duration drops to C ...
Monday 6/21/2004 :
Sammy Tasker increases his talent in avoiding homers!
Samuel Gose's talent in hitting homers drops...
Monday 6/28/2004 :
Dale Jones has lost some momentum, his range at 3B drops to D ...
Monday 7/5/2004 :
Andre Arispe increases his talent in taking walks!
Andre Arispe increases his talent in avoiding strikeouts!
Monday 7/12/2004 :
Theodore Attebery increases his talent in avoiding walks!
Monday 7/19/2004 :
Cedric Ortiz has worked out more, his duration raises to B ...
Monday 8/2/2004 :
James Nowlin has lost some lower body strength, his duration drops to B ...
Oswaldo Mota increases his talent in avoiding homers!
Monday 8/9/2004 :
Samuel Orosco's talent in avoiding homers drops...
Monday 9/6/2004 :
Cedric Ortiz increases his talent in avoiding homers!
Cedric Ortiz increases his talent in getting strikeouts!
Monday 9/13/2004 :
Danny Campbell increases his talent in hitting doubles!
Monday 9/20/2004 :
Samuel Orosco's talent in avoiding walks drops...
Monday 9/27/2004 :
Rigo Castaneda's talent in hitting for average drops...
Monday 10/4/2004 :
Eduardo Zepeda's talent in avoiding hits drops...
Monday 10/11/2004 :
Juan Dawkins's talent in hitting doubles drops...