PLAYER DEVELOPMENT NEWS Friday, 10/15/2004 |
Juan Menchaca has lost some lower body strength, his duration drops to C ...
2 SPRING TRAINING NEWS: Jose DeSilva displays more power in batting practice! Jose DeSilva displayed poor strike zone judgement! Ted Edge has lost some throwing velocity. Ted Edge has improved his control! Justin Williams has lost some throwing velocity. Justin Williams has improved his control! Albert Portillo has poor pitching sessions. Bernard Juan seems to have lost some power. Joe Johnson has good pitching sessions! Joe Johnson has increased his throwing velocity! Joe Johnson has lost some control. Albert Bodin displays more power in batting practice! Killer Ortiz has good batting practice sessions! Leandro Luna has lost some throwing velocity. Leandro Luna has improved his control! Orlando Sanchez displays more power in batting practice! William Gullo improves his defense at Shortstop. William Gullo has poor batting practice sessions. William Gullo seems to have lost some power. William Gullo displayed poor strike zone judgement! Art Jones defense at First Base suffers. Art Jones displays more power in batting practice! Sheldon Lorenzen displayed poor strike zone judgement! Edward McCoy has good pitching sessions! Edward McCoy has improved his control! Bernard Lebowitz has improved his control! Jesus Malave has poor pitching sessions. Jesus Malave has lost some throwing velocity. Kevin O'Bryan displays more power in batting practice! Walter Flippo has improved his control! Richard Burns defense at Third Base suffers. Richard Burns displays more power in batting practice! Ervin Beverly has good batting practice sessions! Ervin Beverly displayed poor strike zone judgement! David Kemper has poor batting practice sessions. Roy Kirkwood has good pitching sessions! Luis Dominquez has improved his control! John Schwenk has good pitching sessions! John Schwenk has lost some throwing velocity. James Pauley defense at Centerfield suffers. James Pauley displays more power in batting practice! James Olander improves his defense at Leftfield. James Olander displayed poor strike zone judgement! Steve Ahart has good batting practice sessions! Steve Ahart displayed poor strike zone judgement! Edward Bowes has improved his control! Robert Terrell loses some stamina. Robert Terrell has good pitching sessions! Robert Terrell has improved his control! Evan Valtierra displayed poor strike zone judgement! Michael Himmelman displays more power in batting practice! Michael Himmelman displayed poor strike zone judgement! Mark Watts has increased his throwing velocity! Mark Watts has lost some control. Juan Santora has lost some throwing velocity. Juan Santora has improved his control! Marquis Stubblefield has improved his control! Wilfredo Valera has good batting practice sessions! Daniel Rossignol defense at Leftfield suffers. Daniel Rossignol has good batting practice sessions! James Sheppard has good batting practice sessions! James Sheppard seems to have lost some power. Matthew Garner has good batting practice sessions! Matthew Garner showed good strike zone judgement! Del Gunther displayed poor strike zone judgement! Alfred Dice defense at First Base suffers. Alfred Dice has good batting practice sessions! Alfred Dice displays more power in batting practice! William Cummins defense at First Base suffers. William Cummins has good batting practice sessions! William Cummins displays more power in batting practice! Glenn Durgin has good batting practice sessions! Glenn Durgin displays more power in batting practice! Glenn Durgin displayed poor strike zone judgement! Francisco Nuņez has good batting practice sessions! Francisco Nuņez showed good strike zone judgement! Jeffrey Liao has lost some throwing velocity. Jeffrey Liao has improved his control! Kenneth Headley has good batting practice sessions! Kenneth Headley displays more power in batting practice! Kenneth Headley showed good strike zone judgement! Alberto Casella has good batting practice sessions! Alberto Casella displayed poor strike zone judgement! Nathan Landin has good pitching sessions! Nathan Landin has improved his control! Edward Hansen has improved his control! William Slape has good batting practice sessions! William Slape seems to have lost some power. Cedric Amezcua has good batting practice sessions! Cedric Amezcua displayed poor strike zone judgement! Marcus Burgos showed good strike zone judgement!
Walter Flippo has worked out more, his duration raises to A ... Christian Flores's talent in avoiding hits drops... Christian Flores's talent in avoiding homers drops... Christian Flores's talent in avoiding walks drops... Edward Hansen's talent in avoiding hits drops... Edward Hansen's talent in avoiding homers drops... Edward Hansen's talent in avoiding walks drops...
Orlando Sanchez has learned reading pitchers better, his stealing ability raises to C ... Luis Dominquez's talent in avoiding homers drops... Wilfredo Valera's talent in hitting for average drops...
Jose DeSilva has lost some momentum, his range at LF drops to B ... Jose DeSilva has lost some momentum, his range at CF drops to C ... Jose DeSilva has lost some momentum, his range at RF drops to C ... Jesus Malave's talent in avoiding homers drops... Wilfredo Valera has learned reading pitchers better, his stealing ability raises to D ...
Jeffrey Liao increases his talent in getting strikeouts!
Darron Fine's talent in hitting homers drops... Marquis Stubblefield's talent in avoiding hits drops... Marquis Stubblefield's talent in avoiding homers drops...
Joe Johnson has worked out more, his duration raises to A ... Killer Ortiz's talent in hitting homers drops...
John Schwenk has worked out more, his duration raises to B ...
Robert Yerkes has lost some lower body strength, his duration drops to D ... William Cummins's talent in hitting for average drops...
Keith Stabile has lost some momentum, his stealing ability drops to B ...
Jose DeSilva has lost a step. His speed drops to B ... Jose DeSilva has lost some momentum, his range at LF drops to C ... Jose DeSilva has lost some momentum, his range at CF drops to D ... Jose DeSilva has lost some momentum, his range at RF drops to D ...