PLAYER DEVELOPMENT NEWS Friday, 10/15/2004 |
2 SPRING TRAINING NEWS: Randall Mack has good batting practice sessions! Randall Mack seems to have lost some power. Damion River has good pitching sessions! Damion River has increased his throwing velocity! Damion River has lost some control. John Kam has poor batting practice sessions. John Kam displays more power in batting practice! Danny Valenti has good pitching sessions! Danny Valenti has increased his throwing velocity! Danny Valenti has lost some control. Ronald Maestas has good pitching sessions! Ronald Maestas has increased his throwing velocity! Edwin Campbell improves his defense at Centerfield. Edwin Campbell seems to have lost some power. Timothy Givan displayed poor strike zone judgement! Hoyt Dayton has good pitching sessions! Weldon Davis seems to have lost some power. Weldon Davis displayed poor strike zone judgement! Brandon Jones defense at Leftfield suffers. Brandon Jones has good batting practice sessions! Brandon Jones seems to have lost some power. Brandon Jones displayed poor strike zone judgement! Marvin Guarino defense at Rightfield suffers. Marvin Guarino defense at Rightfield suffers. Marvin Guarino has good batting practice sessions! Daniel Ardoin has good batting practice sessions! Daniel Ardoin seems to have lost some power. Fernando Trujillo has good pitching sessions! Fernando Trujillo has increased his throwing velocity! Hector Morales has good batting practice sessions! Rodney Greenleaf has good pitching sessions! Rodney Greenleaf has lost some throwing velocity. Paul Whitney has good batting practice sessions! Paul Whitney displayed poor strike zone judgement! William Robertson has good batting practice sessions! William Robertson seems to have lost some power. Jesus Tatro displayed poor strike zone judgement! Steven Abrahams has lost some throwing velocity. Noah Rountree has good batting practice sessions! Noah Rountree showed good strike zone judgement! Sean Gilpin has good pitching sessions! Daniel Degraff has good batting practice sessions! Willie Cooper has good pitching sessions! Willie Cooper has lost some throwing velocity. Robert Nolan has good pitching sessions! Robert Nolan has lost some throwing velocity. Theo Belmonte has good pitching sessions! Florentino Guzman showed good strike zone judgement! Matthew White has good pitching sessions! Matthew White has lost some throwing velocity. Arnold Parker has improved his control! William Farr has good batting practice sessions! William Farr displays more power in batting practice! Matthew Schroder has good pitching sessions! Matthew Schroder has improved his control! Osvaldo Ferrer has good pitching sessions! Osvaldo Ferrer has increased his throwing velocity! Julian Coble has good pitching sessions! Julian Coble has increased his throwing velocity! Alberto Ruvalcaba showed good strike zone judgement! Daryl Shreve has increased his throwing velocity! Pedro Campos displayed poor strike zone judgement!
Berny Espaņa's talent in avoiding homers drops... Daryl Shreve increases his talent in avoiding hits! Daryl Shreve increases his talent in avoiding homers! Daryl Shreve increases his talent in avoiding walks!
Florentino Guzman's talent in taking walks drops... Arnold Parker's talent in avoiding hits drops... Arnold Parker's talent in avoiding walks drops... Arnold Parker has lost some lower body strength, his duration drops to D ...
Richard Janzen's talent in hitting homers drops...
Vincent Jose has worked out more, his duration raises to B ... Albert Vargas increases his talent in avoiding homers! Albert Vargas increases his talent in avoiding walks! Albert Vargas increases his talent in getting strikeouts! Jesus Tatro increases his talent in hitting for average! Jesus Tatro increases his talent in avoiding strikeouts! Matthew Schroder's talent in avoiding homers drops... Matthew Schroder's talent in avoiding walks drops... Roger Harris has lost some momentum, his range at RF drops to B ... Osvaldo Ferrer's talent in avoiding doubles drops...
Richard Janzen has lost some momentum, his stealing ability drops to D ... Berny Espaņa's talent in avoiding walks drops...
Julian Coble increases his talent in avoiding hits! Julian Coble increases his talent in getting strikeouts!
Richard Janzen has lost a step. His speed drops to E ... Daniel Degraff has lost a step. His speed drops to E ... Berny Espaņa's talent in avoiding hits drops...
Richard Janzen has lost some momentum, his stealing ability drops to E ...