Friday, 10/15/2004
Friday 2/6/2004 :
Jessie Beamer's talent in avoiding homers drops...
Jessie Beamer has lost some lower body strength, his duration drops to D ...
Fred Evans's talent in avoiding hits drops...
Sunday 3/8/2004 :
Juan Cisco displays more power in batting practice!
Michael Contreras has good pitching sessions!
Michael Contreras has lost some control.
Ned Kidwell has good pitching sessions!
Ned Kidwell has lost some throwing velocity.
Bryan Snedeker has good pitching sessions!
Bryan Snedeker has lost some control.
Jeffrey Sutton has good pitching sessions!
Frank Cuellar has good batting practice sessions!
Frank Cuellar seems to have lost some power.
Kim Daniels has good pitching sessions!
Kim Daniels has increased his throwing velocity!
Kim Daniels has lost some control.
Thomas McCue has good batting practice sessions!
Thomas McCue displayed poor strike zone judgement!
William Willoughby has improved his control!
Robert Shaffer has good batting practice sessions!
Robert Shaffer displayed poor strike zone judgement!
Arthur Limones seems to have lost some power.
David Smith displayed poor strike zone judgement!
Mick Johnson has good pitching sessions!
Mick Johnson has lost some throwing velocity.
Larry Rosario improves his defense at Shortstop.
Larry Rosario has good batting practice sessions!
Larry Rosario displayed poor strike zone judgement!
Gary Henry has good pitching sessions!
Chang Myer seems to have lost some power.
Chang Myer displayed poor strike zone judgement!
James Lessard improves his defense at First Base.
Edward Drummer has good pitching sessions!
Edward Drummer has improved his control!
Jamie Eder displayed poor strike zone judgement!
Lauren Kain has good pitching sessions!
Lauren Kain has improved his control!
Felix Holt has good batting practice sessions!
Felix Holt seems to have lost some power.
Arden Solari displayed poor strike zone judgement!
Dennis Facer has good pitching sessions!
Dennis Facer has lost some throwing velocity.
David Bonanno has good pitching sessions!
David Bonanno has improved his control!
Jessie Beamer has good pitching sessions!
Jessie Beamer has lost some throwing velocity.
Daryl Blunt has improved his control!
Javier DeLeon has good pitching sessions!
Javier DeLeon has improved his control!
Michael McDowell has good pitching sessions!
Shon Francois displays more power in batting practice!
Arlie McNitt has good pitching sessions!
Bartolo Espaņa has good batting practice sessions!
Bartolo Espaņa showed good strike zone judgement!
Bennett Everett has good pitching sessions!
Bennett Everett has lost some throwing velocity.
Donald Swiger has good batting practice sessions!
Donald Swiger displays more power in batting practice!
Leonard Hallum has good batting practice sessions!
Leonard Hallum displays more power in batting practice!
Robert Bolling displays more power in batting practice!
Thomas Escobar displays more power in batting practice!
Thomas Escobar showed good strike zone judgement!
Friday 4/9/2004 :
Frank Cuellar's talent in taking walks drops...
Monday 4/19/2004 :
Leonard Hallum has lost a step. His speed drops to B ...
Monday 5/3/2004 :
Juan Cisco's talent in hitting doubles drops...
Shannon Kretzler has lost some lower body strength, his duration drops to D ...
Shannon Kretzler has lost some momentum, his range at P drops to C ...
Monday 5/10/2004 :
Frank Cuellar's talent in hitting doubles drops...
Monday 5/24/2004 :
Luciano Guido positions himself better now, his range at C increases to A !
Monday 5/31/2004 :
Frank Cuellar has lost some momentum, his range at C drops to D ...
Frank Cuellar has lost some momentum, his range at RF drops to E ...
Bartolo Espaņa has lost some momentum, his range at 2B drops to D ...
Bartolo Espaņa has lost some momentum, his range at SS drops to C ...
Monday 6/7/2004 :
Robert Shaffer increases his talent in hitting for average!
Monday 6/21/2004 :
Jay Francisco has lost some lower body strength, his duration drops to C ...
Monday 6/28/2004 :
Brendon Wallace has lost a step. His speed drops to C ...
Monday 7/5/2004 :
Arlie McNitt has lost some lower body strength, his duration drops to C ...
Monday 7/12/2004 :
Jonah Bocanegra increases his talent in avoiding homers!
Jonah Bocanegra increases his talent in avoiding walks!
Jonah Bocanegra increases his talent in getting strikeouts!
Donald Swiger increases his talent in avoiding strikeouts!
Monday 7/19/2004 :
Victor Hernandez has lost some momentum, his range at 2B drops to B ...
Monday 7/26/2004 :
David Smith has lost some momentum, his stealing ability drops to D ...
Daryl Blunt's talent in avoiding hits drops...
Monday 8/2/2004 :
Robert Bolling's talent in hitting for average drops...
Monday 8/9/2004 :
Brian Downs's talent in avoiding hits drops...
Brian Downs's talent in avoiding walks drops...
Monday 8/23/2004 :
Juan Cisco increases his talent in hitting for average!
Juan Cisco increases his talent in avoiding strikeouts!
Frank Cuellar's talent in hitting for average drops...
Monday 8/30/2004 :
Javier DeLeon has worked out more, his duration raises to D ...
Monday 9/13/2004 :
William Slape has learned reading pitchers better, his stealing ability raises to A ...
Monday 9/20/2004 :
Allan March positions himself better now, his range at LF increases to B !
Allan March positions himself better now, his range at CF increases to B !
Monday 9/27/2004 :
Juan Cisco's talent in hitting for average drops...
Monday 10/11/2004 :
William Slape's talent in taking walks drops...
Lauren Kain has worked out more, his duration raises to B ...