PLAYER DEVELOPMENT NEWS Friday, 10/15/2004 |
Sam Pack increases his talent in taking walks!
2 SPRING TRAINING NEWS: Steven Campbell has good pitching sessions! Steven Campbell has lost some throwing velocity. Marco Oubre has good pitching sessions! Marco Oubre has lost some throwing velocity. Carlos Cordova improves his defense at Second Base. Carlos Cordova has poor batting practice sessions. Carlos Cordova displayed poor strike zone judgement! David Rafferty has lost some throwing velocity. John Prada has lost some throwing velocity. Edmundo Perez has poor batting practice sessions. Edmundo Perez showed good strike zone judgement! David Tomczak seems to have lost some power. Jack Nyquist has good pitching sessions! Jack Nyquist has increased his throwing velocity! Ramon Feliz has good batting practice sessions! Ramon Feliz displays more power in batting practice! Jose Martinez has good pitching sessions! Tony Baez has good batting practice sessions! Tony Baez displays more power in batting practice! Tony Baez showed good strike zone judgement! Robert Shade improves his defense at Third Base. Robert Shade has poor batting practice sessions. Robert Shade displayed poor strike zone judgement! William Castillon has good batting practice sessions! William Castillon displayed poor strike zone judgement! Glen Murray has good pitching sessions! Marvin Easterwood has good pitching sessions! Marvin Easterwood has lost some throwing velocity. Willie Floyd has good pitching sessions! Ken Calvillo displayed poor strike zone judgement! Aaron Foti has good pitching sessions! Aaron Foti has lost some throwing velocity. Christopher Claus has good pitching sessions! Christopher Claus has lost some throwing velocity. Steven Stack has good pitching sessions! Steven Stack has lost some throwing velocity. Terrance Johnson has lost some throwing velocity. Rafael Gonzales has good pitching sessions! Rafael Gonzales has increased his throwing velocity! Rafael Gonzales has lost some control. Robert Burks has increased his throwing velocity! Jose Dominguez has good pitching sessions! Michale Chaput has lost some throwing velocity. Ronald Riche has good batting practice sessions! Ronald Riche displayed poor strike zone judgement! Gaby Lozano has improved his control! Morgan Deherrera has good batting practice sessions! Morgan Deherrera displays more power in batting practice! James Silcox has good batting practice sessions! James Silcox displayed poor strike zone judgement! John Hux has good pitching sessions! John Hux has improved his control! Timmy Cannon has good batting practice sessions! Timmy Cannon showed good strike zone judgement! Sam Pack has good batting practice sessions! Sam Pack showed good strike zone judgement! Manny Ramirez displayed poor strike zone judgement! Daniel McCaleb improves his defense at Second Base. Daniel McCaleb displayed poor strike zone judgement!
Tony Baez's talent in hitting for average drops... John Hux's talent in avoiding hits drops... John Hux's talent in avoiding walks drops...
Willie Floyd increases his talent in getting strikeouts!
Rafael Gonzales's talent in avoiding doubles drops... Rafael Gonzales has lost some lower body strength, his duration drops to E ...
John Prada's talent in avoiding homers drops...
Carlos Cordova positions himself better now, his range at 2B increases to C !
Glen Murray has worked out more, his duration raises to C ...
Ronald Riche has lost some momentum, his range at C drops to D ...
Rafael Gonzales has lost some lower body strength, his duration drops to C ...
Ramon Feliz increases his talent in avoiding strikeouts! Jorge Vaca has worked out more, his duration raises to B ...
John Hux's talent in avoiding walks drops...
Kelly Sanders positions himself better now, his range at 1B increases to B !